

Global leaders in the manufacture of protective clothing, if you’re looking to feel safe and covered while you work, you can’t go wrong with safety wear from Lakeland.
With over 40 years of experience, thorough testing and research, Lakeland aim to help empower their customers and help them feel safe and protected while they work. Their mission is to see past just the protective clothing they manufacture and focus on what’s more important, the people, the products and the environments which power and protect our world.
Founded in New York, they began manufacturing protective clothing to support the contractors working on NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center. Their products have gone on to become renowned worldwide, popular with those working in industrial roles including electric & gas utilities, petrochemical, hazardous waste sites, chemical handlines and so much more.
We’re proud to offer a selection of Lakeland protective clothing at Pronto Direct. Discover their range today, from coveralls to oversleeves, overboots and non-slip overshoes.